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"Dairy Free" Bib ClearVision® ShelfTalkers™


"Dairy Free" Bib ClearVision® ShelfTalkers™

Kostklip's printed plastic ShelfTalkers™ are bold, colorful and reusable shelf edge messages. Place a ShelfTalker™ over the paper price tag in a ClearVision® ticket molding to clearly identify the product that the message applies to. Plastic ShelfTalkers™ are easy to use and don't leave residue on the shelf edge like typical adhesive shelf talkers.


  • Back leg locks into boot of 1.25"H ClearVision® ticket moldings
  • High resolution screen printed graphic
  • Heat-folded recyclable gloss PVC material
  • Can be used in coolers and freezers

Dairy is in so many products, and so for the shopper that chooses to, or needs to avoid dairy in their diet it can be a huge chore to find the right foods while shopping. Help your shoppers find what they need with this attractive ShelfTalker™. Examples include:

  • Cheese alternatives like Daiya brand dairy-free cheeses
  • Almond or Soy milks
  • Coconut based ice creams like Luna & Larry’s Coconut Bliss
  • Dairy-free yogurt alternatives
  • Nuts and Seeds – macadamias, walnuts, sunflower seeds, etc.
  • Cream cheeses made with coconut